
jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Sept/Oct 2018 digital edition of Java Magazine is now available: The Leading Edge of Java Development

The great popularity of Java is due without a doubt to the continued aggressive advance of the language and of the larger ecosystem. In this issue, we look at the leading edge of that ecosystem. The great advances are nowhere clearer than in the advent of GraalVM, the ahead-of-time native compiler for Java code that coincidentally is written in Java and supports many other languages—both JVM-based and native. To understand what Graal is and how to use Graal for your own projects, see our article on page 17.

In the enterprise, Java EE has moved out from Oracle’s aegis and is now hosted at the Eclipse Foundation under the name of Jakarta EE, which we examine in detail in anticipation of the upcoming 1.0 release.

Much of Java’s ecosystem success comes from new tools contributed as open source by third parties. One such tool is Hystrix from Netflix, which is an excellent library for assuring uptime in distributed apps—especially microservices. Our coverage of Hystrix shows its benefits and the elegance of its implementation.

Finally, we look at one of the most exciting platform developments: running Java apps on power-sipping ARM processors. As our article demonstrates, migration of existing code is not difficult, and on recent chip releases, it does not entail a compromise on performance.

We also include the next installment of our series on design patterns—this time covering the Visitor pattern.

And of course, this issue includes our usual quiz, editorial, and a book review of an unusually interesting volume.

Enjoy! And if you have critiques, suggestions, or kudos, drop me an email.
Andrew Binstock
Editor in Chief, Java Magazine

viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Disponible la revista: Java Magazine: July / August 2018 Edition

Nothing speaks more to the success of Java than the vast number of libraries in the Java ecosystem. A quick look at Maven Central—one of the principal library repositories for Java artifacts—lists more than 3 million entries, of which nearly 300,000 are unique. That’s a lot of choices!
Every year, we publish an issue of Java Magazine focused on Java libraries in which we examine a handful of useful, high-quality libraries that are not widely known. (We’ve prepared a list of libraries that we’ve covered during the last three years as a handy reference.)
New in this issue is an examination of iText, a library to create and manipulate PDF files. We also explain how to create HTML on the fly without using templates, and we look at how to transform Java bytecodes in useful ways.
As for the process of working with libraries, we have included a hands-on discussion of how to convert pre-Java 9 libraries to Java modules.
We’ve also brought you the next installment in our series on design patterns—this time a thorough, approachable introduction to the State pattern and how to use it in your code. And, of course, we’ve bundled our quiz and book review.

Your July/August 2018 digital edition of Java Magazine is now available.